Monday, August 25, 2008

Holding off-not holding back

with Donovan's schooling. It is a tough decision for some, but we decided when Donovan was a tiny baby he would not be going to Kindergarten in 2009 (just one month after he turns 5). He is going to be a child for one more year, who wouldn't want that?!! Have you ever met an adult who wishes they could have grown up one year sooner? I don't think so!
Yes, Donovan will be "ready", but I want to give the him the joy of being a child for one.more.year. He will be in a transition program at his pre-school for kids that will be older kindergarteners. Devin has a birthday of 9-16, had he been born one day sooner, he'd be starting college-right now! Instead he is home with us, still in school, enjoying being a kid for one.more. PRECIOUS year! The extra year of maturity won't hurt either-its been wonderful for Devin being "older". Timing wise, Donovan will be one month older than Devin was when he started school.
I have been asked why we are "holding him back". "Is he behind?" " Is he not ready?" " Why would you do that?" Well, he has a late birthday, school wise, if he goes next year, he will have JUST turned 5. I would love for him to have the benefit of being "older". When would I draw the line? Well, a pediatrician once told me that boys with summer birthdays should wait. That timing makes sense to me. But mostly, we are giving him the gift of childhood for one.more.year.
It doesn't get better than that!


  1. I think you are doing the right thing. Gavin will have a later birthday as well with October 28th. But I am glad to have that time with him after Rylee goes to school. I will have two full years with him and just him. I like knowing that. 20 years from now, no one is going to say "was he behind, did he need to catch up" blah, blah, blah.
    Never mind the fact that you and your husband get to make the choices about YOUR children. If that is what is best for Donovan, then there is nothing wrong with that choice!
    LOVE YOU!! Oh and I LOVE the background!!!

  2. We are in the same boat with Sage having a September 14th birthday. we decided to see how she does in a pre-k class this year and make our decision based on that. I think we all have to do what is right for our kiddos and our families and no one should fault us or question us for doing so.

  3. My birthday is Dec 29th. I started Kindergarten when I was only 4 turning 5 that Dec. Believe me when I tell you, it ruined my whole entire school life. I was always smart enough but never emotionally mature enough to keep up with the older kids. You are so right in keeping your child one more year when he will be much more mature and older in the class and not younger.
