Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Not-Me Monday"-Take 2!

I did not hide a 2-liter bottle of coke in my closet (leftover from Devins 18th birthday party Sat. night). Partly because I don't want to share, partly because I want to sip off it right out of the bottle when I get up to pee in the night. Darnit-I've been sooo good about the pop lately as I've been losing weight!! Warm, stale pop, yuck, I would never drink that!!!!

I did NOT buy my Delaney more shoes, why would I even need to do that? That was on my list last week you say? Hmmm, typo maybe? hmmm.

I did not let Delaney nap in her high chair because she zonked in there- covered in lunch- and I didn't want to risk her waking up to get cleaned up and all. (I did recline her, and snuggle her up though!) Nope, not me-I would never be so lazy.

Your turn! Please post a comment about what you did NOT do! Have a blog? Post it there! Also, if you want to read a whole lotta fun "not-me's" click the orange button on the right to see what MckMama's followers did NOT do last week! Have fun!


  1. I know! It really is so pathetic, but I was so excited she commented on my blog. funny! Liked your "Not Me Monday" too. This is such a fun thing.

  2. I haven't had coke since May and I miss it so much.. stale warm coke sounds fantastic to me..

  3. I wish I could put down the cokes! And I've never let my kids sleep in the high chair! That would be insane! lol

  4. I'm glad I don't have a shoe problem either!

  5. The soda in our house definitely does not hide out in the garage fridge (with the beer) on a regular basis. And when the soda does come out in front of the kids I would never, ever call it "mommy's yucky juice".
